CA Smith (aka Mayor McCA)

[pullquote_left] “CA Smith sang some of the most beautiful and silly songs I have ever heard.” Tom Ravenscroft (The Times) [/pullquote_left]

Christian Anderson (C.A.) Smith is the Mayor. Or at least he was. Smith has preformed under the moniker Mayor McCA forthe past 15 years. Operating as a one-man band he borrowed the term, and halfjokingly, referred to himself as “The hardest working man in showbiz”, funnybut no less true. It’s safe to say that as a vaudeville style act (singing,playing, and tap dancing) he turned a few heads.[toggle title=”Read More”]

The charismatic Smith has gainedrecognition among his peers as a hard working talent. That reputation led toopening slots for Feist, Daniel Johnston, Chad VanGaalen, Slow Club, Sarah Harmer, and more. Beyond his hard work,the real achievement has been the songs and that’s the reason for the newdirection Smith has chosen.

After five albums, and two tribute showsthe focus is being placed solely on songwriting. As a solo act (or occasionallywith a backing band) Smith will showcase his new direction and let the musicspeak for itself. With a new album and many new songs coming down the pike, thetiming is perfect.




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